Pain is good.

Pain is good.

Physical, emotional, psychological pain; pain in all its guises from anger, grief, anguish, jealousy to stress.

Because it reminds us that we are still human; that we are capable of feeling. Reminds us that we are vulnerable and that we can fall and we can fall and be the worse off for it. Reminds us that we aren’t superheroes. Reminds us that we have our limits. Keeps us on our toes; keeps us alive when we would have thrown ourselves uninhibitedly into the fire.

The cowards that we are; pain keeps us safe.

Pain is good. Because there’s no growth without pain; there’s no progress without sacrifice.

If pain was non-existent, our every happy moment would be monotonous. A single flat lifeline with no spikes or valleys. Can’t be redeemed if a person hadn’t fallen before. Can’t be saved.

Pain is good.

Deep thoughts, Ally. Deep thoughts.